Concern for the atmosphere, which is increasingly affected by climate change, continues to grow and Molecor combines its efforts to ensure that environmental pollution ceases to be a reality.
Invest in #CleanAirNow
September is one of the months of the year that most highlights the protection of the atmosphere, as the 7th is the International Clean Air Day for a Blue Sky and the 16th is the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. These dates have a common goal on the calendar worldwide: the importance and urgency of increasing public awareness at all levels to further reduce air pollution and mitigate the effects of global warming.
This year, the Invest in #CleanAirNow campaign has put the urgent need to invest in solutions to combat air pollution at the centre of the debate. By promoting increased investment by governments and businesses, it recognises that air quality is a global problem that requires a coordinated response. In the face of the urgency of climate change, a combined international effort is needed to ensure clean and healthy air for all, thus protecting both human health and ecosystems.
Molecor is part of this investment
The cost of inactivity is alarming, implying the irremediable loss of biodiversity and numerous ecosystems, the uncontrolled increase in environmental pollution and the unexpected development of new diseases, among many others. This is why Molecor is strongly committed to carrying out all the actions within its reach and is setting itself new challenges on the horizon so that its impact on the planet is as little negative as possible.
Both the milestones reached in 2023 and the progress currently being made are a clear indicator of the organisation's commitment to the environment and sustainability.
The planning of the Sustainability Strategy is one of the most important actions. Among its main ambitions, is the commitment to be a Net Zero company by 2040, thus anticipating the commitment to climate neutrality by 2050 proposed by the European Green Deal. To achieve net zero emissions, the company is developing its Climate Strategy, which will be reflected in the Decarbonisation Plan development.
This firm commitment to climate neutrality is translated into concrete actions, such as, for example, the calculation of the Organisation's Carbon Footprint following the GHG Protocol standard (Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard). The company has calculated its greenhouse gas emissions emitted by direct or indirect effect (scopes 1 and 2) from the development of its activity for the years 2022 and 2023 and is working on the calculation of indirect emissions along the value chain (scope 3). Through this comprehensive analysis, we will be able to establish a more effective action plan to reach our goal of carbon neutrality by 2040.
The high level of electrification of our production processes places us at the forefront of the transition to a low-carbon economy compared to many other sectors, however, in order to achieve our goal it’s necessary to continue working to improve the energy efficiency of our processes. Obtaining the certification of the Energy Management System in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard at the Loeches production plant, and the current implementation at the Alovera, Alcázar de San Juan and Antequera centres, represents a new milestone on our path to climate neutrality, as it allows us to identify the areas of highest energy consumption and establish a reduction plan through efficiency measures that will allow us to optimise our processes and reduce our emissions into the atmosphere and therefore, our carbon footprint, thereby increasing the company's contribution to mitigating climate change.
Another important commitment of the company is the use of energy from renewable sources. This path towards energy sustainability began with the installation of photovoltaic panels at the Loeches plant, and our commitment to renewable energies has been extended through the purchase of electricity with a guarantee of renewable origin. New opportunities are currently being explored to increase the use of green energy in all production centres. The use of this renewable energy makes us move towards an even more sustainable and efficient production model, avoiding the associated CO2 emissions, which allows us to reduce our carbon footprint. All this minimises our environmental impact on the atmosphere, increasing our contribution to curbing global warming.