New products for your needs
Molecor is continously searching for the new needs of the market for pressure water conduction in order to provide real and efficient solutions, thus improving current available solutions.
Molecor offers the widest range of pressures
Prior to the emergence of the Molecor Technology, the existing manufacturing processes always encountered difficulties in producing pipes of large diameter and high pressure. Molecor with its exclusive technology has improved the process and has made it possible to produce PN25 pipes in all its range of product. Molecor places at its clients’ disposal the full range of PN20 product, so as to adjust each project to the real needs for pressure, conforming as well the budged to invest.
Molecor, pioneer in the manufacturing of large diameters
The technology developed by Molecor is able to manufacture pipes in nominal diameters 630 mm, 24", and now DN800 mm, 30", so far none existing in the global PVC-O pipe market.
Thus, the PVC-O joins the list of the materials prone to be used when undertaking projects of large diameters. The advantages of this material, its lower cost (both raw material and installation cost), and its better performance makes of it the best option for the execution of this type of projects.
In addition, Molecor has developed the technology to manufacture PVC-O fittings with which the company provides a complete solution for water pipelines 100% in PVC-O used for the transport of water under pressure.
ecoFITTOM® PVC-O fittings, unique all around the world
In order to strengthen the TOM® PVC-O pipes and consolidate the leading position in the Molecular Orientation sector in terms of innovation and development, Molecor has developed fittings in PVC-O, creating an integrated system for the conveyance of water under pressure.
SANECOR® maximum efficiency for sewage networks
Over the last 30 years, the SANECOR® system has been fully developed together with SANECOR® manholes to service urban sewage networks, wastewater and rainwater collectors, interceptor sewers, outfalls, drains and, in general, pipelines carrying acid or alkaline solutions, applications in industry, construction, mining, cable conduits and insulation, etc.
AR® Soundproof Evacuation System, you will hear only advantages
The AR® system presents a wide range of accessories in addition to the pipes, which allows to solve the different solutions proposed by the designers. It is a product that, in addition to solving problems with the soundproofing of downpipes, has a reaction to fire classification of B-s1, d0, the highest that a plastic material can obtain.