To celebrate the World Energy Efficiency Day, Molecor announces the certification of the Energy Management System implemented in its Loeches production plant according to the requirements of the UNE-EN ISO 50001:2018 standard. This certification, obtained with AENOR, has allowed the implementation of energy efficient policies and actions, and the correct management of the energy aspects derived from our activity, which gives us access to real and quantifiable savings in the energy cost of our activity.
The importance of rational energy use
March 5th has become an emblematic day worldwide to reflect and become aware of the importance of a conscious and responsible management and use of energy. Achieving the ideal balance between the constant improvement of our quality of life as a species, but without harming the resources available on our planet, since the future depends mainly on the way we take care of our resources today.
These rational uses and consumption of energy can be obtained thanks to the development and global implementation of various measures and strategies, among which the consumption of renewable energies, where energy is prioritized through much more sustainable sources, especially of natural origin, such as the sun, wind or water, among many others. As well as the optimization of energy use itself, where maximum performance is obtained with the lowest possible consumption, through the application of more intelligent equipment that allows the reduction of energy waste and minimize the direct and indirect environmental impact. Improving energy efficiency is, therefore, a completely necessary task to address current and future problems in the sustainable use of energy resources.
Our small contribution to the planet: becoming ISO 50001 certified
There is no more significant contribution to the planet than to become aware of and take responsibility for the use and consumption of energy that we make at Molecor. That is why, since the Loeches center achieved the status of electro-intensive consumer in 2022, the implementation of the Energy Management System in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard has been key within the process of continuous improvement that we have defined within our roadmap.
The implementation of the ISO 50001 standard requirements has allowed us to identify the significant energy uses and consumption of the production plant, whose continuous energy monitoring and review of the energy baseline has provided us with powerful information that has enabled us to establish energy saving measures in the most significant uses and equipment and thus improve the energy efficiency and performance of our facilities.
This energy management system has been included in the Integrated Management System (IMS) for Quality, Environment and Occupational Risk Prevention that the company has implemented in all its domestic plants. This integration will serve as the basis for the implementation of energy management in the rest of the production centers in Spain, located in Alovera, Alcázar de San Juan and Antequera, where the project has already begun.
These actions will allow us to make significant progress in the roadmap of the Decarbonization Plan and the Corporate Social Responsibility Strategic Plan, where Molecor has set as one of its main ambitions to achieve Net Zero by 2040. To this end, the energy savings obtained after the implementation and continuous monitoring of the system will allow us to reduce our energy consumption and, consequently, our organizational carbon footprint, since the direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere will be lower, which will allow us to actively contribute to the mitigation of climate change.